Project Summary

By focusing on issues that affect young people, and on developing policy and educational interventions to address youth disadvantage, CYPEP aims to identify the challenges to, and opportunities for, improved life outcomes for young people today and throughout their lives. Current research includes young people and food insecurity, the use of digital finance by young people, young people’s use of twitter for climate activism, improving belonging in schools and higher education institutions, improving careers education in schools and the annual Australian Youth Barometer, which gauges the pressures currently experienced by young Australians across a range of topics including the economy and work, education, health and wellbeing, relationships and civic participation.

The Q Project: Quality Use of Evidence Driving Quality Education (2018-2023)

This five-year collaboration with The Paul Ramsay Foundation investigates how research evidence is used in schools, and how to support educators to better use that evidence in their practice. Project details here. 

Principals’ emotional labour in volatile times (2023-26)

This ARC Discovery Project aims to improve school principal leadership preparation and development for school principals and help them manage complex emotional workload demands. The research will identify the knowledge and practices required to develop leaders’ emotional skills and build bridges across diverse communities. It will generate new knowledge about principal workforce development and create a framework for policy makers to address critical workforce shortages.