Ikerbasque Foundation for Science, and
Universidad del País Vasco /University of the Basque Country
Nationalism and Climate Obstruction working group
(Founder and Chair), Brown University CSSN (Climate Social Science Network)
Center for Studies of Climate Change Denial,
Chalmers University Of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden
PEFR, Political Ecologies of the Far Right network,
Chalmers University Of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden.
Daniele Conversi is a Research Professor at UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque Foundation.
He received his PhD from the LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) in 1994. He has taught at Cornell University, Syracuse University, Central European University, LSE and EUI (European University Institute), Fiesole. He is a social historian and political theorist best known for his comparative work on nationalism and ethno-cultural diversity, with a geographical specialization on Spain and the Mediterranean.
Since 2020, he has inaugurated a new and rapidly expanding international line of research on nationalism, climate change and the global polycrisis — with an increasing attention to the current rise of “fossil fascism”. The first article inaugurating the new research trend has received over 120 citations from many disciplinary fields – far beyond social sciences and history, including anthropology, the Earth sciences and public health studies.
He is a member of the steering/editorial boards of over 10 journals, including major journals in the field as well as Joint Editor, Nations and Nationalism and Specialty Chief Editor, Frontiers in Political Science. He recently published a book in Italian on the relationship between climate change and nationalism: Cambiamenti Climatici, Antropocene e Politica. Milano: Mondadori Università, 2023.